Tuesday, February 3, 2009

friends and eggo waffles...

Hello friendos...

Blogging is where its at...Word! I hope with this blog to keep everyone updated on the local bouldering/climbing scene, i.e. where and what we are developing and sending weekly...and also to give updates on Jericho Bouldering Gym! The gym already has its own blog, so I figured I should be a friend of it and follow it. And a friend of my wife and follow her. Only good friends follow you home after school and jump on your huge trampoline in your backyard and eat your eggo waffles...

Hello everyone, have a jump and an eggo!

Anywho, here is where I will post climbing photos, video, route maps, soundtracks, 8 tracks, knapsacks, hoodwinks, etc. Hopefully in a few days I will post new stuff from the new area in Clear Creek Greenway that Marty and I are developing...its beautiful down there, even if you're not a climber...So far we have developed a handful of boulder problems, with dozens more to come, and also potential short sport climbing abounds. If you are a climber and wish for more info on this area and the other awesome climbing areas in the northstate that are being developed constantly, go to: rockclimbing.com

This site is great, is still growing, and has tons of pics, video, and most importantly tons of route info and beta for the country and the north state. Clear Creek Greenway is there, and I will be constantly posting new problems and routes there over the years as we continue to develop and discover local climbing.

Lastly, I just want to encourage everyone to get outside this week! Go for a day hike, a bike ride, or even just drive out to whiskeytown and park at the visitor center and chill out and look at the lake! Or find a forest you've never been to and just go in there and explore! The weather is unseasonably amazing right now, and Im not sure if you all know this but we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world! Just go on Google Earth over the North State and start looking at all the hundreds of photos that people have taken of the area...it will blow your mind!! I personally recommend Lassen, Trinitys, the Scott Valley, and the coast north of eureka. Amazing!

It all makes you feel like a kid again. Appreciate the beauty and on-purposeness of it all. None of it is an accident, and God has given it to us for our enjoyment and recreation...soo...go recreate yourselves!!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, Your words are like a soothing ointment on my soul. I'm pumped that you are blogging. I can't wait to read your mind.
